No Matter How #13: Spring Session at Carinthia

This 13th and final “No Matter How” episode takes viewers to the last session of the 2012 season at Carinthia, Mount Snow. In mid April, with snowpack around the East in seriously short supply, Carinthia was motivated enough to put together some fun features at the bottom of the mountain for the crew to experiment on. The mostly mini-shred setups were a glorious way to end out the season.

“No Matter How” is a behind-the-scenes and bonus footage webisode series chronicling the 2012 winter with Meathead Films. The series showcases just how the crew managed the season, dealt with the struggles and logged lots of worthy outtakes that never made it into the feature movie. The feature length film “No Matter What” was released on DVD and iTunes in the fall of 2012.

No Matter What on DVD:
No Matter What on iTunes:

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