Purchase The DVD: store.skitheeast.net
iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/movie/no-matter-what-east-coast/id577637452
Never let the weather get you down. Despite the East Coast’s record-breaking mild winter of 2012, the Meathead crew still managed to sniff out the goods. Fighting low snowfall and mid-summer temps, they hurled themselves off buildings, bashed icy moguls, and plowed through some of the deepest Eastern powder ever filmed.
Join their quest from Vermont to Quebec, including their first ever journey across the pond to Switzerland. In classic East Coast style, Meathead Films overcomes many a struggle and keeps things entertaining, No Matter What.
| Dan Marion | Will Wesson | Erik Olson | Alex Beaulieu-Marchand | Ben Leoni | Stacey Rachdorf | Colby Vavolotis | Griffin Dunne | Andrew Whiteford | Sami Ortlieb | David Ortlieb | The Hammer | Radio Ron | Paige Fitzgerald | Peter Engen | Evan Williams | Jake Doan | Antoine Choquette | Luke Hagearty | Kieran McVeigh | Louise Lintilhac | Ryan McDermott | Dom Laporte | Gab Boudreau | Tyler Duncan | Rooster | Jay Bowen
Sponsored By:
Subaru of New England | Kombi Gloves | Gore-Tex | LINE Skis | Skiing Magazine | Ski The East
Written, Directed, Filmed and Edited by: Geoff McDonald
Co-Directed, Filmed and Edited by: Chris James
Additional Cinematography by:
George Watts, Shane McFalls
Trailer Music: Elliott Brood | “Cadillac Dust” | Album: Tin Type | ElliottBrood.ca
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