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The Main Idea: Prologue Trailer from The Main Idea on Vimeo.
PROLOGUE [proh-lawg] (noun): the preface or introduction to a work
This trailer aims to represent our movie as a whole; the clips come in the same order as the film. We would like our first year effort to be seen as an introduction for what is to come.
Be sure to check out the full length release, for free online, on Monday, October 3rd.
Also be on the lookout for our Monthly Movies this coming season and make sure to follow us on facebook to keep up to date with our every move.
True Loves by Hooray for Earth
|Directed By|
Galin Foley
Joey Szela
|Filmed by|
Joey Szela
Galin Foley
Craig Stay
Alex Savarie
Dillon Calderone
Erme Catino
Colin Delaney
Jake Doan
Tyler Duncan
Caitlyn Foley
Galin Foley
Ian Foley
Andrew Holson
Sam Hurst
Sam Kimmerle
Eric Leone
Jeff Leone
Tanner Mccarty
Kieran McVeigh
Adam Newhard
Sam Parker
Justin Perry
Sam Putnam
Colin Sirois
Joey Szela
Jackson Tupper
Evan Williams
& Friends
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