Working For The Weekend S3|E1: Acadia

The coast of Maine has some incredible skiing… as long as there’s a 3 ft. snow storm. Acadia National Park lies a few hours north of Portland on Mt. Desert Island. Ben braved the blizzard of 2015 and drove through the night to lay rare tracks beside the Atlantic Ocean.

Special Thanks to : Owen Cassidy

Music in this episode:
Sofa Surfers – “See the Light”
Gramatik – “Tranquilo”
Gramatik – “In This Whole World”
Mutemath – “Monument”
Blue States – “Red and Shine”

About The “Working For The Weekend” Series:

Now in it’s 3rd season, “Working For the Weekend” follows longtime Meathead Films veteran, Ben Leoni. Ben continues to live in Portland, Maine, and holds down a career as an attorney. He dreams of his weekends skiing in the mountains in between piles of paperwork. The 2015 & 2016 seasons kept him plenty busy with his job but he still managed to find time to get outside and explore.

Showcasing legendary backcountry zones as well as hidden gems around Maine, New Hampshire and Quebec “Working For The Weekend” continues it’s groundbreaking tradition of showing the best skiing the Northeast hast to offer, without the aid of chairlifts. From deep powder to treacherous ice, Ben and his crew of friends embody the “earn your turns” mantra for the East Coast.

All episodes can be viewed here:­s/working-for-the-weekend

Flylow Presents: Working for the Weekend

A Ski The East Web Series

Featuring Ben Leoni

Additional Shredding In This Episode: Ryan Gibbs and Owen Cassidy

Filmed On Location: Acadia National Park, Maine

Cinematography in This Episode: Lincoln Benedict

Edited by: Cam Willis

Proudly Supported By:

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